Dec 30, 2019

Ceritanya komen soal (debat) radikalisme

Hari ini saya nemuin diskusi menarik lagi di twitter. Kali ini antara Alissa Wahid vs Bhagavad Sambadha perkara akar perkara masalah yang sedang marak di Indonesia.

Debat berawal dari komentar seorang Peneliti LIPI Bu Siti Zuhro (complete article here) yang mengklaim bahwa:

1. Masalah Indonesia sebenarnya bukan radikalisme, tapi ketimpangan sosial karena stagnasi (wait and see) perekonomian global. 

Penjelasannya, karena investor di seluruh dunia lagi menunggu hasil akhir ketegangan/ perang dagang antara US dan Tiongkok, investor jadi ragu untuk naruh duit mereka di sektor riil, dan lebih memilih naroh di instrumen keuangan aja yang jelas risikonya dan gampang dicairkan. Karena gaada duit investasi masuk, otomatis pabrik-pabrik di sini pada kembang kempis buat muterin usaha, sehingga mereka ga lagi butuh karyawan. Sehingga, pengangguran banyak, yang kaya tetep kaya (karena toh masih punya investasi dimana-mana anyway), tapi yang miskin makin miskin.

2. Politisasi radikalisme dan politik identitas harus dihilangkan agar arah permasalahan sebenarnya (si ketimpangan sosial itu tuh) tidak kabur (tidak jadi terdistorsi sebagai masalah kepercayaan agama).

The fun starts here

Kalo saya lihat ya, sebenernya pendapat dua sisi sama-sama valid kok. Cuma kenapa bisa "clash" (I'm overstating here, sebenernya diskusinya adem kok), karena masing-masing punya background yang berbeda.

Mas Bhagavad sebagai orang yang ga terlalu concern-concern amat sama agama, tentu dia akan melihat masalah dari hal yang dia paham. Dan ketimpangan sosial ini ya masuk di logika dia, seperti dia udah jabarkan di threadnya sebelum di quote sama Mba Alissa di tweet kedua di atas. Peduli setan deh, mau lu moderat apa radikal, kalo negara adil, kalo ketimpangan ga ada, semua orang bakalan fine-fine aja kok.

Which is...make sense. While it's true that money can't guarantee happiness, but without money, the guarantee is even more far-fetched. Having enough money of course, would assure you from being victim of capitalism. Sesimpel punya duit buat beli tiket KRL dan hidup tenang selama satu minggu ke depan karena stok beras aman -- you won't have basic happiness kalo lo ga punya uang. Dan faktanya, di Indonesia masih banyak yang kaya begitu. Well, terlepas dari apakah mereka memang cuma malas atau memang terkekang oleh keterbatasan struktural (apalah itu namanya) ya. Karena bahasan malas atau tidak ini, saya yakin bukan lingkup yang dibahas oleh Mas Bhagavad.

Sedangkan Mbak Alissa sebagai aktivis agama moderat (or liberal, terserah lah apa namanya) tentu akan lebih tajam matanya untuk melihat masalah dengan sudut pandang dan pendekatan 'agama'. Concern dia akan lebih banyak di apakah agama dijalankan dengan benar dalam kehidupan bernegara. Apakah dasar negara terganggu atau tidak. Karena dia juga dibesarkan di tengah lingkungan NU moderat sekaligus anaknya negarawan Gus Dur kan.

Premis bukti dia juga valid, bahwa jika masalahnya memang ketimpangan ekonomi, maka orang-orang miskin yang merupakan rakyat NU logikanya akan banyak teradikalisasi. Nyatanya tidak (terlepas dari apakah klaim ini bener atau engga yah, saya ga punya data tapi for the sake of staying in the topic mari asumsikan klaim ini benar).

Lalu sekarang pertanyaannya, apakah radikalisme benar disebabkan oleh ketimpangan?

Karena berdasarkan pandangan saya (tentu saja saya ga punya data, jadi take this with a grain of salt), orang-orang yang miskin lebih punya banyak faktor pendorong untuk menjadi radikal.

Kita kan tahu yah, orang-orang yang menyebarkan paham khilafah-adalah-kunci, yang radikal, yang ngebom-ngebom itu, yang thagut-thagut itu, punya senjata yang mujarab buat menarik massa: "kesejahteraan akhirat lebih baik daripada kesejahteraan dunia" dan "berjuang di jalan Allah lebih mulia daripada dunia seisinya".

Kalau kita lihat premise itu dari mata orang yang sudah desperate sama kondisi finansialnya, tentu janji "kesejahteraan akhirat" ini bakalan lebih menggoda.

Sehingga dengan ini, maka premis bahwa ketimpangan sosial ekonomi menjadi akar penyebab radikalisme, bisa cocok. Karena kalo masyarakat sejahtera, mereka bisa jadi less-desperate untuk mendapatkan "kesejahteraan akhirat" ini.

Tentu aja, bukan berarti yang sudah mapan tidak bakal kena pengaruh seperti ini. Mereka masih mungkin kena pengaruh. Pasti ada aja jalan, dan kita ga pernah tahu kadar greed manusia seperti apa. Yang udah mapan di dunia, pengen cara gampang buat kaya di akhirat, juga pasti banyak kan.

Untuk membuktikan argumen ini, seharusnya kita jembrengin aja sih datanya gimana. Berapa orang radikal yang background nya dari orang ga punya, berapa banyak yang dari orang mampu. Tapi tentu saja kita sebelumnya harus bener-bener define apa yang disebut dengan radikal. Hayo ribet wkwk

Anyway, bahas dari sisi tweet Mba Alissa deh. Radikalisme ya Radikalisme aja, jangan dilimpahkan kesalahannya ke ekonomi dan lain-lain.

Ada tweet menarik dari salah satu follower Mba Alissa, bahwa gerakan eksklusifitas agama (radikal) ini sebenarnya lebih menyebar di kalangan ekonomi menengah. Again, saya ga punya data untuk mengkonfirmasi ini, tapi mari asumsikan bahwa kita bisa menerima premis ini as is.

(sebenernya saya pengen counter dulu, lebih banyak di ekonomi menengah ini karena emang populasi mid income ini paling banyak atau memang penyebarannya lebih efektif di level ini wkwk tapi daripada ribet ya sudahlah)

Klaim bahwa banyak warga NU yang aman dari eksklusifitas agama (radikalisme) walaupun mereka tergolong miskin, menjadi alasan kenapa radikalisme tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan kemiskinan?

Hmm, kalo saya kok berpendapat beda ya

Mbak Alissa specifically mention, "NU yang di desa yang rata-rata miskin gak terpapar radikalisme tuh". Lho Mbak, mereka miskin iya, tapi desperate gak? Kalo mereka miskin tapi nrimo, miskin tapi hepi lahir batin, ya secara teknis mereka bakalan punya lebih sedikit faktor pendorong untuk mencari kebahagiaan lain toh? Wong mereka udah rapopo uripku koyo ngene tak lakoni ae?

Tapi dengan asumsi bahwa argumen-argumen Mbak Alissa dan team itu bisa kita terima as is, dan kenyataannya kita juga emang tidak punya dasar apapun untuk menyangkal:

Eksklusifisme agama mostly di kalangan menengah - yang berarti mereka punya lebih sedikit desperation untuk meraih kesejahteraan

Masih ada orang miskin yang aman dari radikalisme - yang berarti walaupun mereka desperate akan harta duniawi, mereka ga terkonversi (anggap saja indeed pemegang ideologi radikalisme sudah mencoba "berdakwah" ke mereka tapi gagal)

Maka teori ini justru lebih bisa mengcover segala anomali yang muncul dari generalisasi teori Mas Bhagavad di atas sih:
"radikalisme itu berakar dari ideologi yang bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan formalisasi islam sebagai syarat islam yang kaffah",

Lha wong aku cumak pengen islamku total kok.

Bisa jadi orang-orang ini bahkan gak peduli sama kesejahteraan akhirati, karena fokusnya pokoknya cuma pengen berislam doang.

I mean, Mbak Alissa kan aktivis, bisa jadi dia punya lebih banyak data kongkrit sehingga bisa menyangkal hubungan langsung antara kesenjangan ekonomi dan radikalisme kan. Let's keep our option open, shall we? :)

Tapi untuk membawa ini ke level yang bener-bener kongkrit, ke dalam peraturan eksekutif (Perpres, Permen, UU dll), kita pertama-tama harus sepakat dulu sih sama definisi "radikalisme" ini

Soalnya aku lihat, Mas Bhagavad sama sekali ga bahas eksklusifitas agama. Dia cuma fokus ke radikalisme. Tapi Mbak Alissa langsung mengcounter, dan beliau langsung mengasumsikan radikalisme sebagai eksklusifitas agama.

Padahal, eksklusifitas agama bisa jadi berbeda dengan radikalisme yang dibahas. Bisa aja kan.


Dec 29, 2019

2019 reflection

Compared to how flat, boring, and pliable my life this decade is, this year is particularly special, because for the first time, I actually made big decisions for myself. I absentmindedly declared a #2019GantiStatus for fun, but never I expected that slogan will really come true. Not in a way I intended to, nevertheless it happens.

Oh and I abysmally failed the fangirling-retirement-commitment. lmao.


Everything began back in November 2018, when Management considered to split our directorate. Investor Relation stays under Finance Director, meanwhile the Strategy part moves out under another completely different box under the CEO himself -- to arrange the Transformation project that was being prepared. My division particularly, was divided into two preferences, between staying in Finance or following the whole batch outside.

During the first meeting with the Chief (later became our Boss), he nonchalantly gave us freedom whether we will follow the direction out, or stay inside (under Finance) regardless our actual jobdesc is. Knowing this Chief's image, everyone in the room instantly realize that the statement is a political one - you can't take them at value because there might be hidden layers below the "yes" or "no". But Pak G, our then Head of, specifically asked me whether I want the new job or nah. He knew I started to feel discomfort staying in my then job for too long, but being the only people from my unit (my peers and spv were on leave, conveniently), that question feels like a direct jab to a defenseless low worker like me. In front of a dozen senior peers, two spvs, a Head Of, and a to-be-Chief, I said "yes".

I'm always proud of being a consistent person who'd stick to whatever I said myself (no matter how fucked up it was), and of course, my self-confining ass also submit my CV when the Chief' secretary gathered everyone for a 1-on-1 session. In front of him, I stated again, "I want that new job". I didn't even consult my supervisor, but I hang on that jobdesc adjustment promise (kinda) he stated at our first meeting, and thankfully he said yes. Receiving a political yes is better than not getting at all from backing-off, right.

At third week, I joined the first Transformation Program Liaison (the new job official name) meeting. A bit overwhelming to finally work together with my senior team after 2 years of only sitting together. Basically all we have to do is reminding the Initiative Owners (bosses who run the change initiatives) to do their job, and cover the administrative shits for them. Writing minutes of meeting, ensuring the team members are properly recorded.

Regarding the sitting together, I and my strategy team peers only technically sat together before, because I still need to handle my spv inquiries from two blocks away. I requested to sit away because I hate being monitored upon typing every dots and spaces like a freaking 5 years old. Of course I didn't say that in front of his salad, I reasoned "We need to align better with the finance counterpart". Not sure whether he bought that bullshit but he let me go regardless. As long as I still do my job well, right? A commitment I still fulfill despite now having another job to do, with him knowing, this time.

Oh and I still diligently stay away from fandom stuff. Had changed both of my stan twitter accounts to [closed] and following strictly only some of my closest mutuals and two accounts @weareoneEXO and @B_hundred_Hyun, first month was still easy peasy.


I joined the first meeting with bigger bosses who'd. I can't even speak a word because I have literally ZERO speaking skill even in Bahasa so thankseu.

But thank God, I can follow the rhythm quite well. Mainly because I was paired with another senior peer, so he can cover my incompetencies at times. He's doing the communication, i dealt with the writing stuffs (minutes and actual milestone checking). No biggies.

Oh, and Pak G left. sobs.

Second month of no-fangirling activities: checked. I still listen to their newest songs (Paper Cut by CBX and Make it Count by CHEN) thanks to those updates I received from merchbot @weareoneEXO, but that's it.


No issues. My spv assumed I was overwhelmed (not really :p) with the Transformation project so he spared me most of the times. We also got an MT trainee to help us arranging whatever mess inside our team. And my peers still assume I'm a useless officer who could not be trusted handling shit with higher ups, so yay again.

My no-fangirling mode was started to crumble down though. I curiously searched how my bias EXO is doing, only to find out that my son CHEN opened a youtube channel and WAS about to release solo album in April. SHIT.


No issues. Well we had one or two vessels popped from having to receive the pointless direction from the consultant and dealing with powerless new Head of who'd never have enough assurance to do his own shit (Pak S, Pak G's replacement) but overall everything went alright.

I still have to complete the quarterly OJK report, but due to my additional job, I was forced to do it between me handling initiative requests, Pak S uncertainties, Our Chief being political and the increasingly infuriating consultant. No biggie, I've done this damn report since I was intern.

Several requests from my spv still coming in (he somehow always find his way doing other people's job GODDAMMIT), but I handle everything okay. I sent them late at night to show how I dutifully still make time covering up his pushover-ness, ha.

No. I have zero intention to tell him to stop covering other people laziness and incompetencies and dump everything to his lowly paid team. As much as he love complaining about how he shouldn't be the one doing those crap, he would always go back with "I could not possibly refuse any incoming job" shit. Yea sure captain. Aite aite.

By the way, April, and a Flower by CHEN is doing extremely well digitally (yea ofc I do not make a grammar mistake here, the song stayed in chart until November, and it's still going in and out until now). He even won SBS Inkigayo, who is known for being heavily depend on digital performance. It feels nice to see my son's hardwork is received by public. EXO-L who?

Yea, public. Because no way the listener ratio that good (almost 50:50 male:female) if we only depend on EXO-L streaming. EXO-Ls are getting lazy in general, they only ever used their fangs to fight Bangtan's fans or other member' solo stans. Well unless if a Byun Baekhyun counted as 100 times normal listener... he loves his buddy's new songs despite his solo stans remains oblivious. No problem. Baekchen stan win.

And Minseokie hyung was...enlisting... :c

(Yea my no-fangirling-phase was poofed into thin air. Bye. I even bought CHEN's album. I searched his name and 'Baekchen' in twitter more often than I pee. Retired my ass.)


Not much highlight in Transformation, as my focus was mainly used to complete the DAMN report. The bullshit business plan with fourty excel worksheet to fill with random numbers which I'm sure no one ever read, even the maker herself. If you type a whole lyrics of EXO's MAMA jukgo jugigo saugo wechigo in that trash document, people would hardly notice. I need to start ahead because Idul Fitri was in early June and no bloke in right mind will stay in office doing any work. Including those supposed to contribute and provide data.

Yea, the trainee is still too clueless to handle a report as "big" as this one so I, again, jump in to finish it. I have a severe phobia of teaching people so rather than doing that it would be easier to finish the job myself

My fangirling life is rejoicing though. My son CHEN was still continuing his one month - one content strike and this time he collab with a soloist (some said he's also a vocal director?coach? who was close with Baekchen) Im Hanbyul.

I'll casually left their masterpiece here and be prepared to receive luxurious singing skills. Like, boy, this is how you project high note. Use head and mixed voice well instead of only shouting shit into your mic and hurting your vocal nodes in the process. Do you want to sing for long or not ffs

You're welcome.


I didn't take annual leave due to the damn report. Need to standby to provide my draft in case Mr. spv want to check. Lmao. As he ever know what he'd need to review at. He didn't even know where to read for certain info, like he asked me why I didn't write our plan to issue bond when I already freaking wrote that in two whole paragraph in TWO SECTIONS.

Okay madam, calm down. You're not here to complain about your ex-boss :p

Transformation project, not much update. I was still doing admin shits, though I started to actually reach out to those bosses for inquiries. Actually I started to do most of the PL jobs, since the reaching out jobs what exactly the point of my role. My partner has significantly lesser workload than me now, but no problemo, I'm happy with it. Having to write minutes in English every week, I was confident I have better writing skill than him anyway. I only reach out to him if I have to contact someone who is particularly difficult to contact.

He actually also offered me to assist in his BAU jobs. Being a "mental babu", of course I agree with that. But since I still dealing with my spv shits, eventually he stop asking me to join his meeting. Too bad, his role is fun though.


No special stuffs. Next.


No special stuff. Just popped one or two arteries for not learning my lesson of not sacrificing yourself unless asked, but no big deal lah. That's life.


Early retirement program was once again buzzing among all workers, after the last one back 4 years ago. I initially didn't have much thought on it. Not that this workplace that terrible of a place though, but since I'd be paid nicely, why not? Good news is, my spv and my peers (BAU one, not the Program Liaison one) also applying, so I didnt give any further thought and casually confirmed my participation. We did not give any fuck whether our unit would have to be demolished due to everyone's leaving.

And my application was approved. I needed to go back earlier from my annual leave but still, HURRAH. The amount is quite nice too.



My working mood somehow became significantly lighter knowing I would be leaving this year. With my PL partner started to get overwhelmed with his BAU job, I naturally taking over most of the PL jobs. He started to show his incompetencies (or it was me who's slow) in PL jobs, but since I was leaving anyway, I suck my uneasiness and let myself cover his ass.

On the other side, me who already forgotten my January commitment of reducing my fangirling activities, once again buying Kpop album. It was my son second solo album. THERE'S NO WAY I DON'T BUY MY SON HARDWORK, HIS FIRST CREATION WAS AMAZING AND WORTH DOUBLE OF MY PENNIES.


It was supposed to be tough because another batch of DAMN report is coming. But since I would be leaving in next month, I did that again one last time. This time because at year end, the higher ups who was supposed to sign the report would be on leave and the internal deadline was pushed forward by one week, so it was impossible for the trainee to do it alone. Okay, no big deal.

And EXO was having a comeback. Sure thing, here's my money SM. (Son was pushed back a lot in this comeback like usual, but I tried not to indulge myself too far. Those warriors can do their job, I'm here for fun only)


I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!

Slow month of the year (due to people taking Christmas leave) gave me ample of time to think on what I will be doing after leaving. I haven't exactly plot them yet, but at least I know what to do in January. I've enrolled myself in a short Data Science course, and considering to take another class to complete my skill before I'm ready to seek another job. I should see whether I can though. Data Science is a whole new field to me.

By the time I typed this, I have officially bid my last greeting to everyone in my company. My last day haven't been special, but knowing that I was accepted nicely by the Director my spv had been religiously served for, I feel glad inside.

So far, the biggest turning point I made is when I decided to apply the early retirement program. Now I'm officially jobless, and the thought of having to seek jobs and waiting for interview is scaring me, and that is not even an overstatement. I have never applied for a job before. I have spent over a quarter of my retirement allowance for this course, and if I turned out to be bad at it, I'm done. What if I don't get any offer after graduating from the course? What if I made a wrong course choice?

Goddamn, living in present isn't as easy as how it is being spoken

Dec 24, 2019

Indonesia Rewrite: Melomance - Gift (Covered by CHEN)

Not a literal translation, it's more like a (badly) rewritten lyrics. I need to match with the original arrangement too ^^;

Cover by CHEN

Ketika cahaya pagi menerpa indah mata parasmu
Ku terjaga, terpana, memandang pada cinta

Hal-hal yang serba kupahami,
Kini,berubah tak kumengerti
Kisah penuh drama membangkitkan iri
Telah kualami sendiri

Terasa bagai dapatkan kado spesial
Hal biasa kini menjadi besar
Saat hariku yang sederhana berubah menjadi indah

Segala hal yang terlewatkan
Kini bagai serupa hiasan
Apakah diri ini benar dapat sebahagia ini

Sebelumnya tiada terlihat
Terasa kini segala bercahaya
Karena kisah drama membangkitkan iri
Telah kualami sendiri

Terasa bagai dapatkan kado spesial
Hal biasa kini menjadi besar
Saat hariku yang sederhana berubah menjadi indah

Kini kutemui kau cintaku
Segalanya indah saat bersamamu
Selayak anak dan ibu
Diriku kini kembali satu

Terasa bagai dapatkan kado spesial
Hal biasa kini menjadi besar
Saat hariku yang sederhana berubah menjadi indah
Saat diriku jatuh cinta

Original Translation by 1theK youtube (Official MV) - via KOLLA-G

빛이 들어오면 자연스레 뜨던 눈
A natural awakening when light comes in
그렇게 너의 눈빛을 보곤 사랑에 눈을 떴어
Like that, when I look at your eyes, I awaken to love

항상 알고 있던것들도 어딘가
Something I've always known
새롭게 바뀐것 같아
Seems like it changed newly
남의 얘기같던 설레는 일들이
Exciting stories like others
내게 일어나고 있어
It is happening to me

나에게만 준비된 선물같아
It's like a gift just for me
자그마한 모든 게 커져만 가
All the small things are getting bigger
항상 평범했던 일상도 특별해지는 이 순간
This moment that ordinary daily life becomes special

별생각 없이 지나치던 것들이
Things that passed by without notice
이제는 마냥 내겐 예뻐 보이고
Now it looks just beautiful to me
내 맘을 설레게 해
Makes me excited

항상 어두웠던 것들도 어딘가
Things that was always dark
빛나고 있는 것 같아
Looks like it is shining
남의 얘기같던 설레는 일들이
Exciting stories like others
내게 일어나고 있어
It is happening to me

나에게만 준비된 선물같아
It's like a gift just for me
자그마한 모든 게 커져만 가
All the small things are getting bigger
항상 평범했던 일상도 특별해지는 이 순간
This moment that ordinary daily life becomes special

너를 알게 된 뒤 보이는
After I get to know you
모든 것들이 너무 예뻐 보여
Everything looks so pretty
그렇게 신난 아이처럼
Like an excited kid
순수한 사람이 된 것 같아
I feel like I became a pure man

나에게만 준비된 선물같아
It's like a gift just for me
자그마한 모든 게 커져만 가
All the small things are getting bigger
항상 평범했던 일상도 특별해지는 이 순간
This moment that ordinary daily life becomes special
깊은 사랑에 빠진 순간
The moment that I fell deeply in love

Apa Kelebihanmu?

This post is dedicated for those struggling to map out their strength

atau tau, tapi susah ngungkapin pas ditanya "kekuatan kamu apa?"

Which is sucks, ketika pas banget kalian lagi berada di waktu-waktu penting seperti interview. You'd need to present yourself well sehingga interviewer bisa ngelihat ke(tidak)cocokan kalian dengan kriteria yang mereka butuhkan, dalam waktu kurang lebih setengah jam.

No interviewers ever, would have time to observe yall closely kan. Makanya interview itu jadi kunci banget. No excuse, whether you're nervous, laper, habis putus, habis ngelihat setan (if the ghost looks like Yeo Jingoo sih gamasalah), if you perform bad ya you did bad. Bubye kesempatan kerja.

Di sini bukan mau ngasih tips gimana caranya biar ga nervous, tapi lebih ke gimana caranya kita bisa menjabarkan strength kita dengan beberapa kalimat yang "ngena".

Which you'd have to complete WAY before the D-day of interview. 

So if you're currently holding your pee in front of the interviewing room waiting for your name to be called, mendingan sekarang pipis aja dulu, hati-hati di kamar mandi nya jangan sampe kepeleset. Because doing interview with a throbbing pain in your butt sucks. Belum lagi baju yang udah diseterika rapih-rapih jadi berantakan. Makanya jangan ngopi pagi-pagi, dibilangin ngeyel sih.

Instead of hoping to get some clues from this post, mendingan hapenya tutup dan banyakin berdoa. May God help you. Ganbatte. Jangan ngona nganu pas ditanya "kekuatanmu apa?"

But if you still have at least 24 hours prior to your big day, we can go back to topic. 


Tips pertama: Cari tahu kekuatan kamu apa.

Thank you, Miss Obvious

Beberapa dari kita (termasuk saya tbh) struggle bahkan di proses identifikasinya itu sendiri.

- : Saya orangnya jujur.
+: Okay.
- : Saya orangnya pekerja keras.
+: Oke, lalu?
- : Apa lagi ya....? Udah deh Bu kayanya itu aja heuheu saya ga pinter nilai diri sendiri
+: =="

Makanya, akan lebih gampang kalo kita punya daftar seluruh sifat di dunia, kemudian kita centang-centangin mana aja yang relate sama kondisi kita.

Lebih joss lagi kalo dari list itu, kita bisa nyimpulin, karakter kita tipenya seperti apa, dalam satu kata saja.

Kan enak tuh, kalo pas ditanya "Apa kelebihan kamu?", jawabannya "Saya itu orangnya [TRAIT X]. Saya [subtrait A], [subtrait B], [subtrait C], sehingga saya (jabarkan lagi yang lain-lain).

Jawaban terstruktur gitu kan enak buat yang denger, enak juga buat kita yang ngomong. Jadi ga kemana-mana. Koheren gitu loh antara kalimat satu dan kalimat selanjutnya.

Kalo saya, saya refer ke salah satu pembagian sifat yang namanya "Gallup's Strengthfinder" or "CliftonStrength's Assessment"

Di tool ini, manusia dibagi manjadi 4 kategori, dimana pada masing-masing kategori ada daftar traits terkait. 4 kategori besar tersebut yaitu relating, impacting, thinking, dan striving.

Kita tinggal centang-centangin aja, trait mana yang lebih relate ke kita. Agar fokus, sebaiknya kita centang 7 sifat aja. Jika ada banyak banget sifat yang kita rasa relate, gapapa kita pilih semua dulu, tapi habis itu kita saring lagi, sifat mana aja yang lebih dominan.

Kalau saya, pembagiannya seperti ini

centang merah: seluruh trait yang menurut saya dominan
centang hijau: trait yang paling dominan, setelah difilter

Oiya, penjelasan masing-masing dari 34 sifat tersebut bisa dilihat di bawah ya. Saya translate dan recreate dari website gallup sendiri

Pede aja centang-centangnya, karena sifat manusia itu ga ada yang salah. Setiap karakter bakalan ada gunanya kok dalam tim, jadi ga melulu harus yg workaholic, atau yang jago public speaking.

Balik ke case saya, jadi peta strength saya adalah seperti ini:

Impacting = 1
Relating = 1
Striving = 3 >> this is my dominant theme
Thinking = 2 >> this is also my dominant theme

Jadi nanti kalau saya interview (masih jauh sih haha) saya bisa cerita lebih enak

Kalau sebelumnya saya: "saya orangnya jujur, cepat belajar, ga suka ngobrol. selain itu, saya juga perfeksionis"

Ini ga terarah.

Dengan checklist ini, saya bisa bilang seperti ini:

"saya tipikal striving dan thinking, oleh karena itu saya akan lebih optimal jika saya ditempatkan pada unit dimana saya tidak terlalu banyak bertemu orang baru. Karena saya deliberative dan context, maka kemungkinan saya akan lebih "resek" ketika memulai suatu karena saya harus memastikan bahwa saya paham sebanyak mungkin akan project tersebut. Selain itu, saya juga seorang achiever, sehingga saya tidak pernah meninggalkan suatu project unfinished."

Disclaimer: imaginary explanation above is NOT a model answer on how to answer the question.

Ga harus diangkat semua tujuh-tujuhnya sih, tapi kan setidaknya ada arahnya. And it sounds cooler than kamu nyebutin sifat-sifat kamu secara random, yang mungkin aja semuanya ga relevan.

Anyway, ini cuma contoh tool ya. Kalau kalian nemu tools yang lebih representative atas diri kalian, kalian juga bisa pakai. Kalian mau pakai myers briggs (ISTJ, INTJ, ISTP, INFJ blablabla) juga boleh.

Intinya adalah yang penting kalian bisa cerita dengan fokus, kalian bisa jelaskan kekuatan kalian dan relevansinya dengan dunia kerja, itu aja.

Hope it helps.

Good luck!


34 Strength Translation